During a recent meeting of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSPHA), Rob Dersken, Enertech business development manager, shared tips for how HVAC contractors can become geothermal powerhouses. Three of the tips Dersken shared were educate the community, install geothermal in the homes contractors own and do the same with their technicians, and start calling geothermal ‘ground-source heat pumps.’
Educating customers goes way beyond homeowners. Dersken said Michigan Energy Services, a Michigan-based geothermal contractor company in which Dersken is a co-owner, would offer free home inspections of geothermal systems when realtors reached out in order to ensure realtors were comfortable with geothermal, and used it as a positive reason to purchase a home.
Most Americans now know what a heat pump is, thanks to the electrification trend. The more they are talked about, and the more educating and promoting is done, the more homeowners will be on board.
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