Company: York
Product: YMAE 575 V Air-to-Water Inverter Scroll Modular Heat Pump
Description: The York YMAE 575 V Air-to-Water Inverter Scroll Modular Heat Pump has launched in Canada. The high-efficiency heat pump is now available in a 575-volt model, and is compliant with the Canadian Registration Number (CRN) requirements for pressurized equipment in certain provinces. The YMAE 575 V features variable speed electronic vapor injection (EVI) scroll technology to significantly expand heating capacities. Available in two- and four-pipe configurations, the YMAE 575 V can deliver 140°F water in heating capacities up to 443 MBH while in heating-only mode, and 546 MBH during simultaneous heating and cooling using recovered energy. The YMAE 575 V also utilizes the low-GWP refrigerant R-454B to help reduce emissions. With a highly flexible, modular design, the YMAE 575 V provides an energy-efficient solution that is compatible with a wide range of applications including offices, schools, healthcare facilities, and multi-unit residential buildings.
Contact: (888) 534-1569;
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