In this showcase, The ACHR NEWS introduces the latest cooling equipment available for the upcoming summer season in order to help contractors distinguish between brands.
The speedway’s original HVAC equipment, installed nearly 30 years ago, was outdated, and with one HVAC unit per suite, the cost to run and maintain the equipment was significant.
As heat pump technology advances and begins its march into colder climates, industry experts are expecting rooftop units to continue to gain popularity in both new construction and retrofits.
Working through one company and a fixed stipend, EaaS/EEaaS is designed to simplify and streamline all on-site efficiency upgrades, eliminating massive equipment costs, supply chain delays, unexpected maintenance charges, and more.
Manufacturers were eager to show off their latest energy-efficient RTUs, many of which can also be used to meet building owners’ decarbonization and electrification goals.
For many manufacturers, higher efficiency systems have been in the works for a while, but the 2023 DOE standards, pandemic, and current supply chain issues have added pressure.