Hannah Belloli is an editor at The ACHR NEWS. She has been with BNP Media for over two years. Hannah holds a bachelor's degree in communications from Wayne State University, where she also obtained minors in English, journalism, and creative writing. As a daughter of a carpenter, she has admired the trade industry for as long as she can remember.
For more HVAC contractors to sell zoning systems, they have to understand the benefits, challenges, know how to approach customers to even be able to sell it, and then comes the install.
The bill significantly reduces the cost of a geothermal installation, spurs job creation, and hopes to inspire more contractors to tap into the geothermal market.
For contractors in humid climates, a lot of the comfort they provide is through being able to control humidity levels, which can be aided by adding a secondary dehumidification system.
If an HVAC contractor possesses knowledge pertaining to IAQ solutions and how to approach the subject with a homeowner, they are in a good spot to sell the equipment.
Armstrong recently contributed to a historically important HVAC retrofit when the historic Cook Country hospital in Chicago, Illinois was converted into two hotels: a Hyatt Place and Hyatt House.
In the last decade, UV-C installation has really become the standard in the healthcare sector, given its ability to be easily retrofitted, save money and energy, and inactivate those infection-causing microorganisms on HVAC surfaces and airstreams.