To meet the ambitious environmental goals being proposed at all levels of government, residential air-to-water heat pumps are emerging as a transformative solution to lower carbon emissions, enhance energy efficiency, and reduce utility bills.
For more HVAC contractors to sell zoning systems, they have to understand the benefits, challenges, know how to approach customers to even be able to sell it, and then comes the install.
The bill significantly reduces the cost of a geothermal installation, spurs job creation, and hopes to inspire more contractors to tap into the geothermal market.
The AHRI’s 2024 Policy Symposium brought more than 200 members, along with AHRI staffers and others in HVAC, to Washington for the lobbying effort, plus panel discussions, keynote speeches, and networking.
The building was just too small, the heating system was uncomfortable and inefficient and cooling was only provided in a few specific areas, making the school a miserable place to be. But, a high-tech restoration changes all that.