WaterFurnace Intl. Inc. held its Annual Sales Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee. Posted: June 3, 2016.
Michael Albertson, senior vice president of sales and marketing, WaterFurnace Intl. Inc., said the industry needs to change the way people think about geothermal because it’s not just a niche product. “We’ve almost convinced ourselves that it’s such a special system that it’s almost not available to the masses,” he explained.
Weldon Long, New York Times bestselling author of The Power of Consistency and one of the nation’s leading experts on building profitable contracting companies, discussed the importance of focusing on the little things to create success, thriving in the face of challenge, and the power of believing what you’re selling during his keynote address.
WaterFurnace’s new 5 Series Air Handler features three cabinet sizes of 2, 3, and 4-5 tons; four position one piece design – upflow, downflow, and horizontal (both left and right); all aluminum A-coils; both composite drain pans, a small footprint, and more. Paired with the 5 Series 500R11, it is an ideal solution for homes with limited utility space.
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